RepRapPro Mono (or Tricolour) frame assembly

Printer parts

So I've finally finished editing part 1 of my video series on building RepRapPro Mono printer (this part is the same for Tricolour model). You can skip to the Youtube playlist if you just want to see it.

Why would you want a 3D printer?

Viking 3D printer

I get that question a lot at first - why did you buy a 3D printer? Well I could say I just like to create stuff, also physical stuff and sculpting is a bit tiresome and time consuming ;-). But seriously. 3D printing is another step forward, it's a step beyond 2D. Thanks to projects like RepRap 3D printing already became something that can be used at home. It became affordable.


Movie Maker secrets ;-)

In the process of preparing videos for my tutorial I was using Microsoft's free program called Movie Maker. Well it's free if you bought Windows ;-). The biggest problem with it is that editing a 10 minute movie will take hours if not days (depending on your computer). So here's a tip - before any editing convert your movie to lower bit-rate...


It's time to start this up already! I've setup most of the things I want, but there is much content to come. I have tons of notes and some more projects in my head and hope to share them with you.


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